FEMDMSND.ZIP 38,166 10-16-94 Female Player Sound Patch for Doom v1.2 -1.666 to accompany FEMDOOM.WAD GraphicPatch.
FEMDOOM.ZIP 9,939 10-05-94 Graphics patch for DOOM!
FEZ1.ZIP 45,894 09-01-94 Fez 1 - Episode 1 Level 1.
FIFFY4.ZIP 61,012 09-05-94 REoL Tough: The Pit. You will be goingthrough multiple "worlds" via The Pit. Oneminute, you'll be in a future computerworld, then the next minute you're in theUnenchanted Forrest!
FIFFY5.ZIP 61,760 10-09-94 REoL Tough: Level 4 DOOM! St. Lucifer'sChurch. As you head back to Earth, an oddlooking church caught your attention. Thedaemons outside are trying to kill you, soyou know there's something that they arehiding!
FIFPIX3.ZIP 130,031 10-22-94 REoL Tough: Total War V: Chambers of Death(PIX) These are seven screen shots of thenew (and jerky) TOTAL WAR level, Chambersof Death. Need a BITMAP reader, orPaintbrush for Windows set for 256 colors.
FIFWAR4.ZIP 54,506 10-29-94 REoL Tough: Total War V: Chambers of DeathA new level for DOOM! You're pitted againstnearly 500 enemies, all at once!
FINIS2.ZIP 31,063 10-23-94 WAD to blow your socks off! Supports twoplayer and deathmatch.
FIRESTM2.ZIP 117,936 10-21-94 Firestorm for Doom II. Select your weaponscombination and enter the grim deathmatcharena.
FOODDISH.ZIP 17,444 10-11-94 The FoodDish is where everyone who's anyonecomes to feed. You're invited. The maincourse is the other diners. Bring a friendfor dinner. Just wait till you see what'sfor dessert!
FOREST_3.ZIP 314,885 09-30-94 WAD with super new sky textures! This is afive level wad file that has been speedoptimized to allow smooth scrolling onslower computers.
FRAG.ZIP 13,469 10-15-94 28Frag.WAD by Kapiolani This level is forthose who want a serious fear level as wellas those who think they ought to succeedwhen they dare and make it!
FRAGFEST.ZIP 202,209 10-31-94 FragFest. Collection of frag intensiveDeathmatch WADs with exits so that you canplay all 8 in a row.
FRAGMAN2.ZIP 28,228 11-14-94 FragMan 2 for DOOM II. Deathmatch WADconverted and re-edited for DOOM II.Replaces Map 1, no new sounds or graphics.
FRGFSTII.ZIP 202,202 11-13-94 FragFest II WADS. 8 of The Most FraggingWADs around.
FRISB_DM.ZIP 42,401 10-07-94 Doom frisbee-rocket graphics. Changes Doomrockets into frisbees.
FTHILL2.ZIP 35,751 11-14-94 Foothills of Hell V.2 for Doom II Level 2.If you lived passed Level 1 you may notwant to put your butt on the line onceagain. This Foot Hill of hell maybe yourlast. Beware of the Revnant!
FULLON.ZIP 242,281 10-23-94 Full On - 8 levels of pure excitement. Thefirst 5 levels are original and createdfrom scratch. The last 3 levels are somealtered levels from the original DOOM.
GAMECONN.ZIP 8,571 10-27-94 Required Docs if you play DOOM and otherModem to Modem Games on MajorBBS's with the"GAME CONNECTION" Module. Also contains alist of the currently supported games.
GARDEN2.ZIP 70,802 10-24-94 Welcome to the botanical gardens of Deimos.An indoor/outdoor scenario that willchallenge experienced players and showcaseDoom's graphics.
GATHER.ZIP 125,675 10-12-94 The Final Gathering! 3 level episode 2replacement. Good for single play ordeathmatch! E2M1, E2M2, E2M3.
GETMEMIK.ZIP 35,231 11-26-94 A new doom1 wad great deathmatch.
GLOOM.ZIP 23,253 09-12-94 Gloom of Doom WAD.
GLUCKAUF.ZIP 85,578 11-14-94 Gluckauf - E1M1 for DOOM 1.666.
GREAT.ZIP 3,135 11-30-94 Doom 2 WAD: The Great!
GRUDGE01.ZIP 18,104 11-10-94 WAD for Doom II - Deathmatch.
GUETAP.ZIP 41,670 10-07-94 Yes GUE not GUI- Glue for DOOM? You decide.
GUILTY.ZIP 52,981 09-01-94 Definitely not an innocent DOOM WAD.
GUITAR_.ZIP 568,493 09-13-94 Guitar! PWAD that changes all the DOOMmonster sounds into digitized! guitar licksand is suggested best used with DOOM Regv1.666 set for 8 channels of Rockin' goodsounds.
G_R2.ZIP 26,454 10-12-94 You are to find and "remove" a crazedex-marine in the remains of a rotting wastedepo. Deathmatch only, best with 2 players.
HALLSPRO.ZIP 387,895 09-01-94 Halls of Death I, a DOOM deathmatch episode.
HELFIRE2.ZIP 159,174 10-20-94 Awesome for Deathmatch.
HOCK0001.ZIP 8,104 10-03-94 PWAD - Good deathmatch level. Level lookslike a hockey rink.
HOEDEMOS.ZIP 15,930 10-13-94 Doom 2 Hell on Earth demos! These coverlevels 1 - 4 (more to come soon!). 100% ofeverything, ultraviolence, no cheats-cheats are for wimps. To view these LMP'sunzip this file into your /DOOM2 directoryand type GATE.
HOESPAWN.ZIP 19,024 10-03-94 HOESPAWN.DEH is a little treat I whipped upto test the function of several objects inDoom 1.666 that I hadn't seen before (inDoom 1.2), specifically the Demon Spawnobjects.
HOP11.ZIP 28,585 10-03-94 Hall of Pain WAD.
HURTME1.ZIP 27,241 09-10-94 Hurt Me WAD file.
INYOFACE.ZIP 11,249 09-23-94 In Yo Face Deathmatch only level withoutany monsters except yourfriend-become-prey. It's strictly move fastand kick ass from begining to end.
JAILBRK.ZIP 32,068 11-14-94 Jail Break WAD for Doom II. You've justdecided to make a break for it, and thewarden is determined to stop you!
JCM2_16.ZIP 801,905 09-24-94 Updated JCM2 episode for DOOM 1.6! Newgraphics, sounds, levels AND music! Almosttwo megs and 200 hours of new things you'veNEVER seen for DOOM. Spectacular visualeffects using new floor and wall images.
JCM2_16D.ZIP 60,940 09-24-94 Recorded solutions for JCM Episode 2!Updated for use with DOOM 1.6 -This packageis intended for use with JCM Episode 2(JCM2-16.ZIP and registered DOOM version1.6 required) Sit back and enjoy the show -solves all 9 lev
JDEATH2_.ZIP 226,293 10-02-94 John E. Death WAD file.
JEFF_S.ZIP 19,268 10-07-94 JEFF's First DOOM ][ level 1.
K4WAD.ZIP 136,208 11-13-94 Doom PWAD level K4. The Mazeworks.
KEEPMOV1.ZIP 23,289 11-10-94 Keep Movimg! Pt I - Deathmatch WAD for DOOMI.
KENDM1.ZIP 21,734 10-17-94 Deathmatch WAD.
KENDM2.ZIP 16,176 10-17-94 Deathmatch WAD.
KEVINLEV.ZIP 33,263 11-10-94 PC Zone UK Magazine British Doom WADcontest winner - previously unavailable inthe USA until now.
KILGRND.ZIP 43,719 10-23-94 Level for DOOM 1.666 called Killing Grounds.
KILLDAVE.ZIP 98,963 11-03-94 Four player Demo of Doom ][.
KILLINGS.ZIP 5,863 10-07-94 Has supreme killing in it all the secretsof both E1M1 and E1M2.
KLONE.ZIP 24,259 09-09-94 Zone WAD file.
LBCREATE.ZIP 591,325 11-26-94 Laura Beyer's Level Creator. Make your ownDoom2 levels. The easiest & most extensiveeditor available. Works with Doom & Doom II.
LDTAGS.ZIP 7,653 11-14-94 Extends the DEU error checker. Searches aDoom 1 or 2 wad for occurrences of linedefsthat have functions assigned but no sectortag - a situtation that usually causes thegame to crash.
LEDGES4I.ZIP 16,040 09-08-94 Continuing in the Saga of the originalLedges PWADS. This is the latest and BESTso far! Lotsa goodies & baddies.
LEVI1.ZIP 23,261 11-14-94 Levi's first Doom level. Many secrets andtraps.
LIFTOR.ZIP 41,361 09-30-94 Liftor! for DeathMatch v2.0.
LMP10.ZIP 4,056 10-03-94 The unofficial LMP format description.
LOOKOUT.ZIP 141,207 09-17-94 Lookout spots surround an open court toambush your unsuspecting deathmatchopponents. Hide behind an open window, butcover your back. Designed with singleplayer and deathmatch modes in mind.
MEGAFATE.ZIP 128,075 10-03-94 Mega Fate for Doom 2. Count em 9 NEW levelsFor Doom ][! ALL Made For Deathmatch!
MEGAWARP.ZIP 10,721 10-21-94 The Fairest Deathmatch level of all. We'veall known people to complain aboutcheaters, and this level prevents it.EVERYONE gets a weapon, BEFORE they fight,so no one can say "I didn't have a weapon!".
MKD2EDIT.ZIP 107,722 10-28-94 Map editor for DOOM ][. Access ALL of thenew WALL textures, FLOOR/CEILING texturesand ALL the new Enemies, MegaSphere, SuperShotgun, Sector types, Line Def types, andSpecials.
MKDMS10.ZIP 35,166 10-22-94 Doom ][ Menuing System v1.0. Easy-to-usemenuing system for Doom ][. Features,warping, monsters, no monsters, respawningmonsters, deathmatch & 2.0 rules, 1 playeror 2 player modem play supported.
MKDOOM2.ZIP 586,248 10-18-94 PWAD for Doom. 2 large levels. Not thehardest WADS but still challenging. Addedsounds and graphic changes.
MODEMO.ZIP 54,971 10-23-94 New level demo for DOOM II Hell on Earth.
MODULATR.ZIP 198,689 11-20-94 Bunch of doom sounds and Marvin theMartian. Pretty funny.
MONSTERS.ZIP 10,199 10-20-94 Listing of ALL monsters in DOOM II.
MOREHELL.ZIP 54,585 09-01-94 More Hell WAD.
MORTEM.ZIP 41,406 10-12-94 Step into the elevator straight to hell.Supports 2 palyer coop mode but notdeathmatch.
MRDM2401.ZIP 92,055 09-03-94 Yet another pwad for Doom.
MXROHE2.ZIP 28,297 09-12-94 Doom WAD of "Mies van der Rohe's BarcelonaPaviljon" a real place with walk throughoption or shoot em up options.
MYSHOT01.ZIP 19,523 11-05-94 Change shotgun to rem 1100 and combat topum.
M_ROHE.ZIP 25,177 09-06-94 Mies van der Rohe's WAD file.
NEATO.ZIP 45,214 11-27-94 Neato WAD.
NEFCAT.ZIP 48,079 11-20-94 Nefarious Chateau - Doom II.
NIGHT2_0.ZIP 53,544 09-24-94 Death Night WAD file.
NOMERCY1.ZIP 11,816 11-28-94 New DMatch level for Doom II.
NOWUCME.ZIP 14,030 11-10-94 Now You See me Now You Don't. DeathmatchOnly. A Snipers dream, seven hidden roomswith one way walls. Simple rooms with allweapons and lots of goodies, but be carefulya never know who's on the other side ofthat wall.
OCTAPIT.ZIP 39,091 10-12-94 Octagon Pit WAD file.
OCTFRG2A.ZIP 118,250 10-14-94 Deathmatch level designed for optimalfragging. Although the level is small, therooms are multiply and redundantlyconnected so it seems larger than it reallyis and the action will always be fast andfurious.
PAINCAVE.ZIP 19,525 10-10-94 Throne room hidden in a cave with a secretback door to the bosses.
PCHNG.ZIP 125,668 10-31-94 Picture Change v1.3a. Creates executiblebatch files that change the grafix.
PEACE_D2.ZIP 26,970 10-23-94 Peace for Doom 2 WAD from Germany.
PEEKABOO.ZIP 8,863 09-23-94 Peek-A-Boo (E2M2) Deathmatch only levelwithout any monsters except yourfriend-become-prey.
PENDPP11.ZIP 13,818 11-18-94 Pendelton's Playpen v1.1. WAD file for Doom1 v1.666. Fast and simple level forDeathmatch play using deathmatch 2 rules.There's no exits on this baby. It's do ordie.
PHRANTIK.ZIP 61,638 11-03-94 Phrantik. Ever wonder how you'll make itout alive? This episode 3 level 1replacement will teach you never to wanderinto alien territory again!
PINA01.ZIP 29,670 11-08-94 Investigation DOOM 1.666 WAD. Plenty ofhidden passages and lots of room to runhide and explore.
PIPE_.ZIP 77,226 09-06-94 Have an enjoyable time exploring thesubterranian sewer system of hell. ThisPWAD is of high caliber and very highquality, almost ID quality.
POIS_.ZIP 57,548 09-26-94 Pois is the prelude to Pipe. Brings you toa Cacodemon prison.
PPPPPP.ZIP 10,763 10-11-94 P.P.P.P.P.P. LMP file for DOOM v1.666.
PSETUP10.ZIP 16,678 09-24-94 Parallel Printer Port device driver whichwill allow two computers to connect as annetwork over the parallel port.
PURPOSE.ZIP 611,482 10-23-94 Purpose WAD with music and soundreplacement. Great midi sound with theAWE32. Tasteful enhancements to the sounds.
PUTSS.ZIP 13,239 11-25-94 Place a Super Shotgun (aka Combat Shotgun)in DOOM I pwads!
PWADDR10.ZIP 326,732 09-26-94 The best PWAD player yet. Manages 160pwads. Saves 160 different games. Playsdemos, Skill Level, Delete, Read Text,Auto-warp to correct episode/map. Mouserequired.
QTBUGNME.ZIP 22,306 11-21-94 Quit buggin' me! DOOM II. After anothersuccessful campaign of kicking alien buttyou're ready to head home, but all of asudden your partner has a flashback andbelieves you are the alien and must bekilled!
QUAGMIRE.ZIP 39,908 11-16-94 Quagmire WAD file for DOOM 1.666.
QWERT7.ZIP 9,100 11-10-94 Great WAD for Deathmatch 2.0 in Doom1.
R2WOLFD2.ZIP 741,907 11-21-94 Return to Castle Wolfenstein [DOOM 2version] Replaces first 10 maps of Doom][with new maps.
RAGE20.ZIP 609,491 11-20-94 Rage Doom v2.0. The ultimate PWAD for DOOM1.666!
RALF01.ZIP 24,495 10-03-94 Ralf01 WAD file.
RALPHNEW.ZIP 725,400 10-02-94 Doom Deathmatch collection heavily playtested for 2 & 3 players. Great fun: Old &new wads chosen from months of cruising theboards, Compuserve & Internet.
RANDOOM2.ZIP 38,546 10-24-94 Randomize all levels in DOOM II.
RAVEN1.ZIP 24,975 10-19-94 Raven Doom 2 Series. PWAD for Map 1. Greatfor deathmatch and single play. All modesof play supported.
RAVEN7.ZIP 43,077 11-21-94 Part seven in the RAVEN Doom 2 series. Apwad for Doom2 map 7. Great for deathmatchand single play. All modes of playsupported.
REJECT11.ZIP 56,963 11-25-94 Reject v1.1. For building the Rejectresource in a Doom or Doom 2 PWAD file.
REJECTMP.ZIP 56,754 10-28-94 Command line based utility used to speed upslow PWAD files by reducing the number ofline-of sight calculations performed by theDOOM engine.
RGDE211S.ZIP 542,907 11-19-94 Great new Doom/Doom II editor.
RINGDETH.ZIP 23,347 09-26-94 Fight your way past wave upon wave of badguys as you try to live to get to thecenter of the Ring of Death - remember tosave a lot!
RMB12.ZIP 139,789 09-16-94 Reject Map Builder. Takes a PWAD file andfinds out which sectors can be seen from asector. This information is used by DOOM tospeed up the real time action!
ROCKMUS.ZIP 30,361 10-08-94 PWAD for DOOM! New music for all 9 levelsof episode 1. Rock and roll!
ROOMS1_0.ZIP 23,316 10-31-94 Rooms WAD - Try looking for the path to thebonus level! Also if you are afraid ofheights don't play this level, becausethere are some pretty high lifts!
RSSNDBX.ZIP 13,676 10-14-94 The SandBox v1. Simple Deathmatch levelthat will keep you occupied for hours!
RUNWAD.ZIP 30,096 09-13-94 Reads WAD file's episode and level, andautomatically starts DOOM's default as the.WAD file's episode and level.
RWK0110.ZIP 45,498 10-18-94 PWAD for DOOM replaces E2M1. All newlayout, easy in some areas, real tough inothers.
RWK0210.ZIP 38,499 10-20-94 PWAD for DOOM replaces E2M2. Based on anidea from my son. He wanted to see all thebad guys fight each other. So here it is.Single player and cooperative recommended.
RYK22B.ZIP 69,313 09-05-94 Best DOOM extra level ever!
SCOTDOC1.ZIP 68,103 09-11-94 RPG Doom v1.0 replaces all rockets in DOOMwith RPGs and puts the RPG on your shoulder.
SCUMTREK.ZIP 39,093 09-13-94 ScumTrek WAD file. Just why the Enterpriseis crawling with Imps and Cacodemons no-oneknows?
SER5.ZIP 140,814 09-16-94 Doom serial device driver.
SERAD210.ZIP 60,053 10-16-94 SeradTwo v1.0. Through SerSetup, SeradTwoallows you to play Doom 2 through the modemwith many more options.
SERSOUND.ZIP 798,823 10-18-94 Serenity Sounds. Full replacement of alloriginal Doom sounds.
SHOGUN.ZIP 41,476 09-19-94 Difficult but not impossible level. Saveoften. Use strategy.
SHOOM_1.ZIP 164,587 09-22-94 1st of S.H.O.O.M series - Player to Trooper- Scare the hell out of your mates in aDeathMatch when you,the TROOPER, shoots em'w/BFG9000!
SIEGE20.ZIP 27,188 09-24-94 Siege v2.0 WAD file.
SINCITY5.ZIP 227,223 11-14-94 Sin City - Five new Pwads for Doom II.
SIN_CITY.ZIP 39,838 10-27-94 Sin City WAD file.
SIRDV198.ZIP 48,469 11-02-94 Play DOOM with up to four players viamodem. Built in terminal that will allowyou to call your favorite Major BBS systemrunning the multi-player version of GameConnection (V1.40 or higher) and play DOOMagainst a group
SIUEDOOM.ZIP 50,044 09-07-94 WAD of Building III at Southern IllinoisUniversity at Edwardsville.
SLAPME2.ZIP 20,050 10-24-94 SlapMe 2. The sequel to SpankMe. Largecourtyard with sniper points all round.
SLAPME3.ZIP 33,774 11-20-94 SlapMe 3. Primarily designed for deathmatchset around a castle courtyard, but has somebeasties added for solo or co-op play(mostly just to let you know where theother player is).
SLGFEST1.ZIP 14,773 09-17-94 Two fun levels for E2M1 and E2M2.
SLTRRAMA.ZIP 26,046 09-13-94 Slaughter Rama PWAD! Real tough one, evenin GOD mode, but you CAN do it withoutcheating, just save a lot.
SPACLAB3.ZIP 124,267 09-15-94 New external wad for Doom, designed forDeathmatch 2.0.
SPACLE.ZIP 71,263 09-24-94 Spacle WAD file.
SPERM.ZIP 219,087 09-23-94 Sperm WAD file.
STIMPY_G.ZIP 39,678 09-10-94 Stimpy WAD file.
STOG2WAD.ZIP 240,075 11-14-94 New "Three Stooges" WAD. Sound-only pwadchanges demon soldier and sergeant soundsto those of the Stooges.
STYX10.ZIP 20,813 09-25-94 Styx WAD file.
SUBWAD.ZIP 38,926 10-11-94 Aoom WAD file the layout is based on a SSBNsub. For Deathmatch.
SUPERWEP.ZIP 75,689 11-18-94 The Ultimate Weapon Patch for Doom 1!Includes Dehacked, too!
SWDOC20.ZIP 186,889 11-14-94 Star Wars Doom. Informational Documentv2.0. Completely re-written informationabout the ULTIMATE DOOM add-on, now inWindows Write format!
SYNJ3.ZIP 19,433 11-24-94 Excellent Deathmatch level for DOOM ][. Notfor the faint of heart. Good for hours ofincredible deathmatch playing.
TBSP22.ZIP 33,121 09-18-94 TBSP v2.2. Node builder that finisheslevels for DOOM that have been createdusing DEU, WADED, or other editors.
TCPSRV12.ZIP 46,519 10-01-94 The Internet DOOM Client/Server Systemv0.12. Front-end to DOOM TCP/IP networkdrivers. You use the client software toconnect to a Frag Server.
TECHNOO.ZIP 348,708 10-23-94 Techno SFX PWAD For DOOM.
THENST.ZIP 84,329 10-06-94 TheNest. Geared toward Deathmatch play.Pretty tough for single play.
THE_ZONE.ZIP 62,703 11-14-94 The Zone. Completely new Techniques used tocreate this HUGE level with some of thebest puzzles you have seen in a WAD.
TIME2DIE.ZIP 8,026 10-07-94 Get ready to Die fellow Doomers!
TRIDEATH.ZIP 31,122 10-03-94 Triangle Death WAD file.
TRILOGY.ZIP 276,242 11-18-94 Trilogy (3 levels demos) Tired of thosehundreds of amateuristic bad lookingWAD-files, which are often stuffed withmore BUGS than monsters? Try this one RIGHTNOW!
TRINITY2.ZIP 308,320 09-04-94 Trinity WAD. A college campus. Newgraphics, music.
TRIPWIRE.ZIP 34,219 10-05-94 Tripwire Doom WAD.
TRKDOOM2.ZIP 724,724 11-17-94 Trek Doom levels and sounds for Doom II.
TTA_CHUD.ZIP 147,480 09-24-94 Chud WAD file.
UNDERGRD.ZIP 67,571 10-24-94 Doom II Deathmatch PWAD. Blast your waythrough old underground stations andmonster crawling streets. Explore the longdark tunnels. Raid the buildings, but watchyour back!
USQ2.ZIP 20,131 10-03-94 USQ IRC goes Death WAD file.
UWHOTEL.ZIP 70,572 11-14-94 Urban Warfare - Episode 1; 5-Star Hotel.First in the Urban Warfare series. Welcometo a small desert town and a beautiful5-star hotel. A place where your everydesire can come true.
VORTEX2.ZIP 142,631 10-31-94 Vortex - Doom mini-episode. Battle your waythrough 3 lightning fast floors: The Mines,Jungle Fever and The Gateway. Each offersplenty of monsters, puzzles and a no winsituation or two.
WADLEVEL.ZIP 29,028 09-13-94 Reads all episodes and levels in a .WADfile.
WADMN103.ZIP 157,513 11-06-94 WadMan v1.03. Convert ALL of Your DOOM 1.2stuff to DOOM2. Features: Build CustomPWADs containing MAPxx levels for DOOM2from DOOM 1.2 or 1.6 PWADs. Use all the GFXpatches made for DOOM 1.2 or 1.6 with DOOM2!
WADSFX9B.ZIP 27,967 09-16-94 WadSFX v0.95. Sound Effects Editor. CreatesWAD files from .VOC's or other sound WAD's.Sounds can be played from the editor onSound Blaster compat. Cards.
WALDETH.ZIP 9,955 10-22-94 Deathmatch in a twisted Walmart store withno escape - only death!
WARZONE9.ZIP 24,101 09-13-94 New level for Doom, E1M9. The secret levelGood for deathmatches!
WHIPME2.ZIP 6,915 11-10-94 Whip me, whip me, whip me! DooM II. Smalldeathmatch only level, ideal for 2 players,very fast and furious.
WHIP_ME.ZIP 6,768 10-25-94 Deathmatch WAD file.
WINFO101.ZIP 60,233 09-17-94 Tool used to gain all possible sorts ofinformation on a WAD file.
WIZDM2_5.ZIP 138,910 11-13-94 Optimized for speed version of the originalWizDoom2.WAD.
WIZDOOM3.ZIP 103,026 10-11-94 In the WIZDOOM tradition, we present,WIZDOOM3, the castle of HELL. GREATtexturing, design, and scheme! HUGE castle.Made for KILLER UV mode! CO-OP, Deathmatchincorporated.
WLZTEXT.ZIP 18,287 10-31-94 WalzTextureReplacer v1.0. Turn your Doom 1PWADS into Doom 2 PWADS.
WOODY.ZIP 34,623 10-31-94 Woody WAD - New DOOM II level.
WOPWORLD.ZIP 207,375 09-14-94 New episode for Doom v1.2.
WOWZERS.ZIP 8,287 10-29-94 High Lifts Levels v1.0 for Doom.
WWF.ZIP 8,358 09-10-94 WWF Wrestling version of Doom!
WWORLD.ZIP 740,196 10-11-94 WWorld PWAD for DOOM. Sound replacement WADwith sounds from Waynes World.
YAPPER1.ZIP 27,945 11-15-94 Yapper1 WAD file supports Single, Coop, andDeathmatch.